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Things To Consider For Choosing The Right Yoga Certification Course

Yoga Certification Course

Are you considering joining a Yoga Certification Course but are confused due to the variety of available options? Here is all you need to know to find the perfect one for you.

1. Know Your Instructors Well

Joining a Yoga Teacher Training is a 200-hour-long journey where you will spend most of your time with your instructors. So it is always advisable to know your instructors well before you finalize your Yoga teacher training.

Take multiple classes from the teacher you are considering learning yoga with. Understand if their style resonates with you. Know their experience in teaching and how many trainings they have run etc. You must feel confident and comfortable under the guidance of your instructor.

So take your time, go for their demo sessions, and get to know your instructors well. Do not hassle your decision until you develop a strong connection with your instructor.

2.  Know The Class Strength

Find the capacity of your classroom, the strength of the class differs from program to program. A classroom with many students is an apparent mess as you will not be able to connect with your instructor, nor will you get special attention.

Thus look for a class with a maximum of 10-15 students. This will be an advantage for you; the instructor will give proper attention to all the poses, even you can clarify your doubts quickly.

Undivided attention and personal guidance will play a vital role in your Yoga Teacher training. Thus make sure to check the class strength.

3. Check The Training Certification

Check whether your Yoga Teacher Training is certified by Yoga Alliance. Yoga Alliance provides a framework for registered Yoga Schools to lead 200-hour Yoga Teacher training. You get insurance, resources, and other benefits if you are a paying member.

A program to get certified by Yoga Alliance needs to follow a standard. And upon completion of the course, students can register with Yoga Alliance and be called “200-hr Registered Yoga Teachers.

The certification gives you the right to run your teacher training classes. And it is a bonus in your career and will help you to achieve your dream in yoga.

4. Understand The Location And Schedule

If you are looking for the best Yoga teacher training, then India is the best place you can learn Yoga. There are many Yoga centers all over India, and the most renowned ones are from Rishikesh and Goa. The climate of these places is perfect for practicing Yoga. The teacher training centers are located on the banks of the River, surrounded by lush green forest in Rishikesh.

While you get a Western vibe in Goa, yoga teacher training is located on the seashore. You get perfect vibes of being in nature and practicing your Yoga.

So choose a location that you may find is tolerable to you.

5. Cost Of Training

Yoga teacher training is like an investment, and it costs you more. There are many factors on which the cost of training depends, like the country, accommodation, luxuries, amenities, season, study material, workshops, location of the school, certification of the school, meal plans, and many more.

There are various residential and non-residential training available, and you can choose them according to your budget and needs. Make a study to research every element you are paying for. Check the food, accommodation, ambiance, etc., shortlist the best schools, compare them, and then take a call.

Check out the different plans offered by the different programs. And make the final choice.

6. Type Of Yoga Style

There are many types of yoga styles available, and very few schools teach all the yoga styles. Look for yoga teacher training programs that teach your kind of style.

Be clear in your thoughts about what you are looking for, like more theoretical training or practical one. Some Yoga teacher training Programs primarily focus on philosophy and less on teaching methodology.

Thus when choosing the perfect teacher training, you must be careful in understanding what a program plan offers. Look at all the dimensions, ask your queries, and do not make any choice until you get satisfactory answers.

7. Check Out The Syllabus

To choose the best program with a great schedule you must relate your present schedule with that of the program. It helps you to understand how flexible you can be cleared. There should not be a drastic difference between your schedule and the schedule offered by the Yoga school. As then you won’t be able to cope up.

Training is a considerable time, energy, and money commitment, and it is like taking your journey to another level. So be sure about what you are going to choose. Things usually take time but do not be harsh on yourself.

Don’t over-push your limits, and choose the best you can do.

8. Food And Accommodation

Regarding food, Indian yoga teacher training programs provide the best food. Their food is nutritious and delicious at the same time. Usually, teacher training programs offer all three meals and herbal teas twice from Monday to Saturday. On Sundays, they only provide breakfast and other rest you must manage. It is a great time to taste the local delicacies.

Also, the accommodation is available in two varieties, Basic and luxury. So, you can choose according to your budget and lifestyle. Check out the rooms and lobby areas before you finalize a Yoga teacher training school. Ask for different amenities and discounts available at that particular time.

9. Reputation Check

Reputation Check has become necessary these days. The better the school’s reputation, the better you will get the job and the payment. Also, you must check the more reputable the school, the more course fees they charge. So, if budget is not your constraint, choose a yoga teacher training with a better reputation.

The main thing to understand is that there is no best or most reputable school; you must do profound research and choose the best for you.

Do a deep study of how well the YTT is established. How many training centers do they run? Where are they loathed and many more?

10. Match With Intentions

The last but extremely important point to consider is to match your intentions with what a Yoga Teacher Training Course offers. Initially, you must always be transparent with the thoughts, desires, and expectations of a yoga teacher’s training. You must know your goal, how you can achieve it, and how yoga teacher training will help you achieve it.

If you are sorted with all these, you can now start your search and find a suitable match for your needs.

Wapping Up

Choosing a perfect yoga teacher training is not an easy task as various choices are available. Hope the blog gives you an insight into how to choose the best for yourself.

Joining an Intensive Yoga teacher training is not easy. You have to put your soul and energy into it. Thus it is excellent to consider the above points and then choose a Yoga Certification Course.

You need constant motivation, a sorted mind, and consistent yoga practice to get through all the confusion in your life.

Be Determine And Choose The Best.

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